Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why do many tv movies, as well as many theatre movies have annoying music at crucial times?

Why is swearing so prevelent in present day movies, and in place of a good story line? Also didnt fully realize, until recently, that this is true with many of the older films.Is it because the film writers are so narrow minded that they cannot think up a worthwhile script?

Why do many tv movies, as well as many theatre movies have annoying music at crucial times?star theater

Right on all counts!!

I know just what you mean about the music, sometimes in a real tense and scary scene the music gets so loud.

Often I think silence is more effective.

As to the swearing I think that is just the norm today.

You hear it everywhere and from people you would least expect.

Why do many tv movies, as well as many theatre movies have annoying music at crucial times?extension opera theater

Because they want to reflect the realities of life. The movies is just a reflection of what is happening around us.
The music is for dramatic effect. As for the swearing, well, with the dumbing down of the general populace, the writers felt they needed to write the movies on a level the average Joe Blow would understand. I'm just thankful they aren't being written in Spanish or Ebonics.
I want to hug you for saying this. I HATE THE GOD-AWFUL MUSIC. I also hate the "boob shot".....for no apparent reason. Don't get me started.....
Once the writer sells the script to a Producer, the writer, in most cases, gives up any Creative Editing Process that will take place. If the train derails do you blame the Architect that desinged and wrote the track or the Engineer thatis driving the train. Its the same thing.

In someof the modern movies, some Writers have either requested or been given Creative Influence and Editing Rights. Not many, but some.

Dont blame the writer for what the Public wants to pay for. It is a business, I sell a script or a storyline, I make $, then whoever bought it has to get you to pay $25 to watch it. If that takes big breasts and curse words, well thats what it takes.

The Director says Action! the Producer says How Much? the Writer is working on another story.

If you dont like it, dont watch it, Hollywood has not gotten one cent from me in the past 20 years, and I have not accepted one penny from them. Its a good deal.

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