Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can u watch an r rated movie at the theatres without and adult and ur under 18 if they buy ur ticket

i would like to know if me and my friends who r under 18 can watch an r rated movie with out an adult at the theatres if an adult buys our ticket?

Can u watch an r rated movie at the theatres without and adult and ur under 18 if they buy ur ticket?oper

No the adult must be there with you

Can u watch an r rated movie at the theatres without and adult and ur under 18 if they buy ur ticket?hollywood theater opera theater

no. they won't let you in.

you could probably sneak past the person punching tickets, but that's about it
usually once the adult buys they tickets no one questions you going into the theater. they just say you cant purchase the tickets without an adult, not that you had to watch with one. so i say yes.
ive done it. i think it depends on where you go and who helps you and how strict they are. and sometimes if they movie is going to be a really rated r one, they id at the door. id have the adult buy after you find out if they id at the door. or sneek in : )
My mom would always buy tickets to R-Rates movies for me (without telling the person they were for a minor) and it worked fine. If it was a particularly gory movie, sometimes they would card people going in. They never carded me though.

So, if they're not carding people going into the actual theater, you should be fine.

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