Thursday, December 10, 2009

When a controversial or popular movie hits the theatres.........?

When a controversial or popular movie hits the theatres, do you...

-Make it a point to watch it ASAP so you know what's going on and you can discuss it with friends/family. You like to be in the know.

-You take your time going to see it and it doesn't matter to you whether you know any details about it. You like to be in the know, but aren't in a rush to see what all the hype is about.

-You are somewhat interested, but you won't go to the theatres to see it, you always just wait until it comes out on DVD or Dish rental.

-Don't care whatsoever.

And why?

When a controversial or popular movie hits the theatres.........?violin

Wait 'til it comes to the $1 movies. We're cheap.

When a controversial or popular movie hits the theatres.........?chinese theater opera theater

depends on what it is. i love comedies, so i'll go see it.

if its passion of the christ or whatever, HECK no.
***** give a shite
what is controversial?
I only see it if I want to see it, and I want to see it, if it looks like a good movie.

Ex. Borat, I want to see it, I don't give a care how controversial it is.
i illegaly download it asap, cuz im a cheap cheap basturd who enjoys movies, annie r u ok r u ok, im a smooth criminal
option 1
I wait till it comes out on DVD so I can watch it and if I like I buy it, its too expensive to go to movies these days, and plus I do not have time to go to the theaters any more with kids that act up every single day!
depends on what it is. i have never seen brokeback mountian and dont plan on it either, im not gonna see capote either. theyve been out for awwhile. so i guess i dont care if i know what its about anyway.
I dont care too much about movies these days as really, they typically are not that good.

Mostly if I want to see a movie, I'll wait for the DVD because my new plasma TV bigscreen and theatre IS AWESOME and I dont have to deal with other people at the movies.

I'd have to want to see a movie REALLY bad to go to the movies.

I dont care too much about controversy created by movies, because they are just movies.
It would depend on the controversy. Sometimes I may not want to see the movie even when it is released on DVD. I usually have my own oppinion about the subject matter and make my decisions if the movie is even worth the rental price. Like all of the Micheal Moore movies! Total crap!
I go see movies that look good to me. I don't really care how much controversy is surrounding it because I don't really think that people in the U.S. (where I am) are all that bright. I think the things in movies (nudity,violence,language,subject matter) that people tend to freak out about are just a part of the movie and should be judged personally, not by what the moron majority thinks. If a movie is good or bad, to me, it's not because it's too violent or too taboo a subject. It's because it's either a good or a bad movie in my opinion.

I prefer to think for myself.

I would suggest everyone else do the same....

enjoy the ride,

I don't care. If it looks like it would be a good movie i'll just wait for it to come out on dvd. It would be nice to see them in the theatres but it is hard to find some one to watch my five kids so I can take my wife out.
depends on the movie, if its something thats like stupid funny i tend to avoid it until my friends force me to watch it. Otherwise it's whatever strikes me as good that i'll watch.
dont care

I only go see a movie if I like the story or the actors in it

controversial films are usually incredibly boring or/and political ones and I cant stand them types :D
Wait for the DVD.

I hardly ever go out to a movie theater - our son can not stay home by himself, and hiring a baby sitter adds too much to the cost. So when I go to the movies, it is to a movie our son wants to see, and we might do that four or five times a year.

The last time I made a special effort to go out and see a movie that I wanted to see for myself was Fahrenheit 9/11.

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