Saturday, December 5, 2009

Have you seen the Invasion movie in theatres with Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig?

It looks kinda good. Would you reccomend it if you saw it?

Have you seen the Invasion movie in theatres with Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig?headache

I saw it a few weeks ago with my father.

Even though this is the second or third remake, I enjoyed it. I thought Nicole and Daniel did good jobs in their acting ability and the movie itself is far from boring, in my opinion.

Actually I enjoyed the ending to the movie, but I'll let you see the movie and watch the ending of the movie itself.

I'd recommend the movie to you or anyone else who would want to see a good sci-fi movie.

I gave the movie 3 out of 4 stars.

Have you seen the Invasion movie in theatres with Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig?paramount theater opera theater

sort of...i mean. i like the Invasion of the body snatchers...a early 80s movie better...but it was ok...if u never saw the first than go ahead and check it out chick:)
No, but I hear that it's another remake of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS.

Why, not?

Maybe the 3rd go around will be as scary as the first two.

I guess it could happen.
I haven't seen it but if you do let me know... how you liked it
Unfortunately, I have to wait until the 4th. of October, when will be released in Argentina.

Please, tell me how it is!!!
I agree with the previous answerer, Eric. The '80's version was better. I didn't care for the ending to this version. It didn't make sense. I was glad, however, to see that Veronica Cartwright (who was in the previous installment of The Invasion of the Body Snatchers) had a small but significant role in this new version.
I sorta liked it. 'bout you?
it is just ok, kind of like movie"the forgotten".

invasion is not going to boring you, and certainly not going exciting you very much. the movie is not balance between art style and hollywood style,and also the movie look like low budget movie.

i do not like the movie very much.
I can't.

You would do much better with either previous version of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"

I prefer the kevin Mccarthy version, although the Donald Sutherland version is pretty good

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