Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do you leave your cell phone on in places such as the movie theater, church, school, a public speach

And if yes, do you think it's rude? If no why not?

Do you leave your cell phone on in places such as the movie theater, church, school, a public speach...?concerts

When I absolutely MUST, I put it on vibrate and sit at the end of a row. I prefer to turn it off, both for myself, and out of courtesy. To do otherwise is an expression of contempt for everyone else there.

Do you leave your cell phone on in places such as the movie theater, church, school, a public speach...?headache opera theater

Yes, but I always use vibrate or silent mode. I never answer, but I have to keep my cell phone on at all times. I have a very unhealthy father and sister and I need to be avalable everyday, all day.
I turn my cell completely off at movie theaters because I know how annoying it is when people fiddle with their phones while others are trying to watch that dang movie.

I keep it on in silent mode most other places, but don't answer ... if it's important I go outside.
I always leave my phone on. It never gets turned off, but I always have it silenced or on vibrate. In order to pull this off, you have to have the restraint to ignore it when it goes off unless you can slip out without being noticed.
I think it's extremely rude when people leave their phones on in public places such as those you mentioned!!! At the least, they could put them on vibrate. If I'm not expecting a call, I cut it off. Otherwise I put it on vibrate. What I hate is people who take calls in public %26amp; then talk - as LOUDLY as possible, the entire time they are in the store, in line, at the counter, whatever. Not only do I not care to hear their business, they make me so angry because they are SO RUDE!! I always want to shove the phones up.......well, you get the picture, right? I'm sure I'm not alone on this one........
I put it on silent because I need to know who called for work, etc. But it is absolutely rude to have your cell ring in public places like that. If its that important, put the damn thing on vibrate!
I have a mobile more than 10 years now and I always switch it off in movie theaters. Silent mode at seminars, conferences, meetings, but obviously I don't answer it. Nothing can be so urgent that you can't be notified about it an hour later. I think it is very rude of people, it is like they want to show off that they are important and always needed for something no matter what. I would be very happy if at some places they installed some kind of blocking devices.
I usually leave it on, but keep it on silent. It's important to completely turn it off in public places when requested though because it can interfere with other electronic devices; for example, wireless microphones.
Yes, it is rude, because you interrupt the peace and quiet of some one else when all you have to do is put it to vibrate instead of letting it ring.
no it is rude... put it on vibrate
No. I think anyone who does is rude!
The only time I leave my cell phone ringer on (usually I have it on vibrate) is in the car and at home. Otherwise, it's horribly rude. The only exceptions I can think of where it would be appropriate to leave it turned on is if A) your wife is pregnant and due any day; or B) you have some type of family situation (emergency) but you HAVE to run out. If there's bad news, you'll want to find out ASAP instead of waiting until you can get home.

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