Thursday, December 10, 2009

How Many question...?

I was wondering who else has seen a movie more then once in a theatre?

what movie was it?

if it went back into the theatres for a week would you go see it again?

I went to see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 4 times...and if it were to go back into the theatres for one day even I would go see it again lol. I would also go see Titanic again...that one i saw once in the theatres but that is on my list of movies to go see if it ever came back out again.

thanks for the answers in advance! =)

How Many question...?opera mini

I went to see Titantic 3 or 4 times. Also I went and saw Romeo %26amp; Juliet twice. And Knocked Up twice and laughed until I cried both times. I own all 3 but I would probably go see Titantic again in theatres because it was awesome on the big screen.

How Many question...?passions soap opera opera theater

Juno - twice (yes)

Titanic - three (yes)

American Gangster - twice (no)

Coach Carter - twice (yes)

Hide and Seek - twice (no)

Cool Runnings - twice (yes!)
I usually see movies more than once when I go see them with different people. Thus:

Wild Wild West (three times)

Star Wars Episode I (twice)

The Ladykillers (twice)

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (twice)

Star Wars Episode III (three times)

Spider-Man 3 (twice)

I guess that about covers it, and no I wouldn't necessarily go see them if they came out again, but then again I wouldn't necessarily not go see them, it all depends.
There Will Be Blood (3 times, love it)

All Lord of the Rings (saw each one twice with various friends, good)

The Perfect Storm(2 times, great film)
Jurassic Park 3 times

Titanic 2 times ( brother made me go again )

First LotR 4 times

I am Legend 2 times

rerelease of star wars movies 2 times each

i would never see them in the theater again unles released years later and for a reason worth it

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